Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology FSUE "VNIIFTRI" B U L L E T I N E A - 2316 25 May 2020 UNIVERSAL TIME AND TERRESTRIAL POLE MOTION Data MJD UT1(SU)-UTC X(SU) Y(SU) (0h UT) (s) (") (") W E E K L Y V A L U E S YEAR 2020 May 12 58981 -0,250129 +0,09462 +0,44606 13 58982 -0,250320 +0,09598 +0,44644 14 58983 -0,250536 +0,09728 +0,44642 15 58984 -0,250759 +0,09881 +0,44616 16 58985 -0,251078 +0,10033 +0,44607 17 58986 -0,251509 +0,10174 +0,44593 18 58987 -0,252014 +0,10309 +0,44589 P R E D I C T I O N YEAR 2020 May 25 58994 -0,25402 +0,1135 +0,4447 June 1 59001 -0,25569 +0,1253 +0,4451 8 59008 -0,25690 +0,1382 +0,4464 15 59015 -0,25504 +0,1502 +0,4457 22 59022 -0,25165 +0,1543 +0,4422 29 59029 -0,25088 +0,1625 +0,4387 July 6 59036 -0,24988 +0,1698 +0,4309 NOTATION: MJD - Modifired Julian Day; MJD=JD-2400000,5; UT1(SU), X(SU), Y(SU) - Universal Time UT1 and terrestrial pole motion components, evaluated State Service for Time, Frequency and EOP evaluation - SSTF; UTC - Universal Time Coordinated; TA(SU) - Atomic Time scale of Russian Federation; Difference UTC-TA(SU) = -33,17276 s (from 1 July 2015), -34,17276 s (from 1 January 2017). Main Metrological Center of SSTF